One of the initial goals of writing about games was to connect tidbits learned from studying psychology with instances of good design. Which is why I figured I would do something different with a post about Paper Mario. What I want to do is look at a concept from social psychology I find particularly valuable […]
Tag: Nintendo
Smash Brothers Sequels and the Issue of Bloat
In many ways the following post has a lot of similarities to a recent one I did on Pokemon. We’ll be talking about a franchise that is, unbeknownst perhaps to some who know me, incredibly important to my childhood and a strong favorite. Not only that, but it’s a franchise that has boasted success since […]
How Pokemon Could Evolve
Despite the fact I haven’t talked much about it here, Pokemon is probably up there as one of the most important gaming franchises for me. I don’t necessarily think the games are the best, but even with that knowledge in mind it is very difficult for me to not be excited about the prospect of […]
Making a sequel to Mario 64: Reflections on Super Mario Sunshine and Super Mario Odyssey
When Super Mario Odyssey was announced, easily one of the most satisfying tidbits of info for a lot of people involved the notion that this game would go after the same type of gameplay as Super Mario 64 and Sunshine. That said, I’m going to be honest: I did not believe Nintendo on this. Given […]
Splatoon 2 and How Nintendo Doesn’t Design for Competitive
I haven’t made it exactly a secret to anyone that I am very into Nintendo as a whole, mainly because of its products but also because I have followed the company for more than half my life. From childhood when I used to follow it dreaming of a job there, to current days where I […]